From the Private Loads you will see a list of loads available for you to book.

Clicking on any of these loads will show you all of the details, including any comments the brokers have made on the load.

There are three types of Private Loads brokers will post that you may see:

- Loads that have the BOOK NOW option allow carriers to book the load completely online. When clicking this option, carriers will receive a notification displaying the rate for hauling the load and an option to SEND BOOKING REQUEST. Upon sending the request, the broker will email the rate confirmation to the carrier.
- Loads that have the BOOK option allow carriers to book the load completely online. When clicking this option, carriers will be directed away from DAT One (Web) to the broker’s load portal. This is a website built by the broker to allow carriers to book the load without calling.
- Lastly, some loads listed won’t have either of the aforementioned options. These are still Private Loads in that they are offered directly to a selected set of carriers, however, these loads must be called on to book, just like loads that are offered to all carriers.
Note: Only loads with the BOOK or BOOK NOW options require the broker to post a rate. Loads without these options may not contain a rate and requires you to call the broker to complete the booking.