If you are a TruckersEdge Pro, MembersEdge Pro, Power Select or Power Office subscriber, you have access to TriHaul.  This feature allows carriers to find cities to route through that can earn more money than a straight through haul.

Upon doing a point-to-point (city-to-city) search, locate and click on the TriHaul link


Once you access TriHaul, you will see routing options that can earn you more money.

The top half shows you what you can expect to get paid for hauling a load from the origin and destination you entered.  This is based on the average rate that brokers pay carriers in that lane (provided by DAT RateView).

The bottom half shows you what you can potentially make by adding a city to route through instead.  Using the dropdown menu, you can select from several suggested cities.  Each suggested city can earn more than a straight through haul.

Find a load going from your origin to the suggested city.  Then find a load from that city to your ultimate destination.  TriHaul will show you how much you can make for each load, which can make you substantially more money.