By posting your truck, you showcase its specifications and availability to freight brokers. These brokers are constantly on the lookout for suitable trucks to fulfill their shipping requirements. Therefore, when they notice that your truck is available and located at their desired pick-up point, they will reach out to you. To post your truck:

  1.  Click on My Trucks from the left menu
  2. Next, provide the tuck posting details:
    • Available  Date - Specify when your truck is available.
    • Origin - Enter the city/state or zip code of your starting location.
    • Destination - Enter the city, state, and/or zones that you are willing to go to
      Note:  It is recommended that do you not leave this field blank.   Brokers are less inclined to call on postings that indicate they will go 'anywhere'.  Instead, use the VALID ZONES option to see how to select regions that you are willing to go to. 
    • Equipment Type - Enter the type of your trailer
    • Load Type - Select whether you want Full, Partial loads or Both
    • Length - Length of your trailer
    • Weight -Maximum weight your truck can haul safely.
    • Reference ID - (Optional) Enter a unique id for this truck
    • Contact Info -Select a contact number or email address.
    • Rate / Mile - (Optional) Set your expected miminum per-mile rate.
    • Comments - (Optional) Add any additional notes for brokers.
    Note: When you post your truck on DAT One, the platform will remember the the information you've entered previously, allowing you to quickly navigate through the fields using the Tab key if you're posting the same truck again. If you need to post a different truck, simply use the backspace key to clear the existing information and enter the new details.
  3. When finished, click the POST button at the bottom and your truck will now be visible to the brokers and shippers